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Более 500 готовых решений оформленных в API их создателями
Обязательно наступит время, когда люди будут распоряжаться своей личной информацией и сами решать, каким сервисам и компаниям открывать к ней доступ.
Чем активнее ты пробуешь что-то новое, тем больше у тебя шансов наткнуться на что-то действительно стоящее.
Сергей Брин - разработчик и сооснователь Google.
API, которое не доступно для восприятия – непригодное.
Джеймс Гослинг (James Gosling) — создатель языка Java.
Нам нравится решать задачи
Магия происходит когда разные продукты начинают общаться, дружить, а иногда и создавать семьи. В семьях, как известно, рождаются дети.
Схема которую применяем, исключение допускаем редко
Нам нравится решать задачи
Позвоним Вам если оставите телефонный номер вот тут.
В заявке к примеру можно указать собственное API или заказать его создание.
Анализ технической сложности
Возможно всё, другое дело сколько на это потребуется времени и ресурсов. Займёт от 2 до 7 дней.
Создание правового контура
Интегрируем для вас только легальные API. Юридическая документация спасает от рисков, но не всегда. Риск изменения доступа к бесплатным API устранить не получится.
Реализация проекта
Ценим прозрачность. Сможете видеть в он-лайн режиме, что сейчас происходит в вашем проекте. Можем установить для Вас потоковое вещание из нашего офиса.
Различный бизнес эффект для разных случаев
Владельцем продуктов
In order to contract with The Store, you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. The Store retains the right to refuse any request made by you. If your order is accepted we will inform you by email and we will confirm the identity of the party which you have contracted with. This will usually be The Store or may in some cases be a third party.

Where a contract is made with a third party The Store is not acting as either agent or principal and the contract is made between yourself and that third party and will be subject to the terms of sale which they supply you. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised are subject to such changes.
In order to contract with The Store, you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. The Store retains the right to refuse any request made by you. If your order is accepted we will inform you by email and we will confirm the identity of the party which you have contracted with. This will usually be The Store or may in some cases be a third party.

Where a contract is made with a third party The Store is not acting as either agent or principal and the contract is made between yourself and that third party and will be subject to the terms of sale which they supply you. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised are subject to such changes.
In order to contract with The Store, you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. The Store retains the right to refuse any request made by you. If your order is accepted we will inform you by email and we will confirm the identity of the party which you have contracted with. This will usually be The Store or may in some cases be a third party.

Where a contract is made with a third party The Store is not acting as either agent or principal and the contract is made between yourself and that third party and will be subject to the terms of sale which they supply you. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised are subject to such changes.
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